There is a problem...
One of the largest parks in Auckland has a problem, which many are unbeknownst to; littering. As the suburbs surround Barry Curtis Park grows in population and size, rubbish will only become more apparent over time. So, what is the purpose of this website? We are a group of four students from Ormiston Senior College, a high school in close proximity to Barry Curtis Park. We hope to spread awareness to local residents of the dangers of uncontrolled littering and illegal dumping. Furthermore, we hope to organise bimonthly day where volunteers come together to give Barry Curtis Park a much-needed detox. We hope to also integrate preventative solutions instead of only interventions and remediations.
It's getting worse.
COVID-19 has given much needed relief for the hundreds of faunae effected by the rubbish, but the shift to normal will only mean that the problem will only exacerbate further with time. Fortunately, we can remediate this by using the power of volunteering to help slow this down.
The solution is in your hands...
We cannot save Barry Curtis Park ourselves; we need you! More specifically, our solution relies upon your volunteerism and altruism to become successful. The magnitude of change that you and us together can make is greater than what money and virtue signalling alone can do. So, we plead to you for your time, for your attention and your effort towards helping make Barry Curtis Park and the surrounding area cleaner and greener for everyone to enjoy. The solution is in your hands, you control the outcome and we can't wait to see the results!